

Monday, September 28, 2015

Happy Fall!


School is now in full swing, and many activities and events have been taking place. A couple fun things that have been going on. One of them is that some of my friends and I from the American Diabetes Association's Diabetes Camp have constantly been in contact through texting and talking through face time. We had a camp reunion at one of my friends house just so we can hang out and get together again. We form such great bonds as friends from these camps. It's pretty incredible. It is cool how you make friends at diabetes camp and you can reconnect with them later on.

I also got to go to the Chicagoland speedway to see Ryan Reed race. He is a race car driver that was diagnosed in 2011. He drives the car sponsored by Lilly Diabetes, and on the side of his car reads, Drive to Stop Diabetes. I'm so happy to see him supporting diabetes and showing everyone anything is possible. I also got to have my name on his car as he raced! He is a diabetes advocate and he installed a blood glucose monitor and drink system in his car just so that he could continue racing! I want to say congratulations to him and he is so inspirational!  Also, good luck in every other race in the future, since he is my all time favorite!

I was at the Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes on Sunday September 20th in Chicago and there was such a great turnout! My brother and I got our flu shots while there, and there were so many fun activities to do. I love being surrounded by all these people that I consider "family."

 My school softball team is on their way to state this year too! I am so proud of my team and we have made it a long way. I find before games that I get so nervous and excited, my blood sugar goes really high. Thankfully, with my pump, I'm able to cut my basal so that I don't crash halfway through the games! I also have to tape my medical bracelet on my wrist because the umpires won't let it be visible on my wrist. They say it could break someone's fingers. Oh well, at least I can still have it on! We have our games this weekend on Friday and Saturday. So it will be a fun filled weekend.

I'm so excited for the new opportunities I get to experience in my life, I would've never experienced them if I just Gave up.


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