favorite part of fall is coming up- the Chicago Step Out Walk! It's great to
come together every year with my friends and family and walk to support a
common cause- defeating diabetes. Attaining this goal of stopping diabetes is
incredibly important to everyone I walk with (including myself!), and this is
my favorite way to do it! I love seeing people from camp or other ADA events
and meeting new people, who always have interesting stories to tell and unique
perspectives on diabetes. I'm fortunate to have many of my friends on my own
team this year, which has made the fundraising process even easier and more
successful! I absolutely love this event and I highly suggest that if you
haven't already, join a team or make one of your own and help us stop diabetes!
You can join the ADA Illinois Camper Team, Campers Conquering Diabetes! Or the ADA Illinois Camp Staf Team, Camp Crew-zers! Bring your friends, family and community
together to support the American Diabetes Association’s fight against diabetes.
We will be taking a Camp Photo at the Chicago and Buffalo Grove location’s main
stage at 11:30am – I hope to see you all there!
To learn more about Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes, please visit: